John, Paul, George and Ringo

John Lennon And Yoko Ono's Attempts At Avant Garde Movie Making

When John Lennon and Yoko Ono first got together things began to change! Together they attempted a number of avant garde movies and this article looks at how good, or bad, those attempts were.

Was John Lennon Really A Pacifist

One listen to the John Lennon song Imagine and you could find yourself thinking that John Lennon was a pacifist. The truth though is much stranger than fiction!

Was John Lennon Really A Working Class Hero

In the days after the Beatles, John Lennon launched a solo career that saw him write songs more and more from the heart. One of his best known songs is Working Class Hero. This article looks at the question of was John Lennon really a working class hero.

Larry Williams Was A Big Influence On John Lennon

It is always interesting to look at just who influence the Beatles, both as a band and individually. This article looks at just how much of an influence Larry Williams was on John Lennon.

Paul McCartney: Beatles Bass Player And Other Instruments

If you thought that Paul McCartney was simply the bass player in the Beatles be prepared to be amazed at just how many other instruments he played with the band!